Cancer and High blood Sugar

The research is showing that it is pretty clear and evident that diabetes and high sugar/insulin levels are associated with increased risks of cancer like colon, breast , utrine, pancreatic and bladder.

Conventional medicine is doing a great job in preventing cancer by lowering the insulin and sugar levels but there are many alternatives evidence based measures that can be taken to prevent both diabetes and cancer together.

Women/men with diabetes have a higher chance of developing cancer at sometimes in their lives compared to people who don’t have blood sugar issues. Diabetes/high levels of insulin can cause damage to the DNA which increases the risk of cancer.

High level of insulin , diabetes, high blood sugar along with inflammation in the body can cause so many health issues which can eventually increase the chances of cancer.

Obesity and metabolic syndrome are serious health concerns as they increase the chances of certain typos cancer. Certain medications like cholesterol lowering drugs or certain beta blockers or ace inhibitor can cause a specific type of cancer.

Environmental toxins like glyphosate based herbicides can increase chances of diabetes in normal individuals which increases cancer chances as well. Toxins like lead and mercury and cadmium increase chances of certain types of cancers.

A whole food diet, certain supplements and a good lifestyle can prevent diseases for us.

There are many specific food and supplements that help us in fighting sugar cravings. Worst sugar types are: fructose, agave, sucralose and aspartame. Better types of sugar in minimal and moderate amounts will be maple syrup, xylitol, coconut sugar. 🍁

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